Saturday, June 18, 2011

Orange Campfire Cakes

If you have a camping trip in the near future, these are essential to your tummy's survival!  I first heard about these on Today's Letters, and we had to try them on our last lake adventure.  They are super easy, and a nice addition to s'mores!

1 box of Pillsbury Classic Yellow Cake Mix
1 cup of water
1/3 cup of oil
3 eggs
10-12 oranges (of course, you can just use as many as you need, and discard the rest!)

1.  Slice off the top of each orange, about a half an inch from the top.

 2.  Scoop out the inside of each orange, like a pumpkin.  A spoon or an ice cream scoop will work.

 3.  Stir yo' batter.

 4.  Pour the batter inside, and place the orange top back on the orange.

 5.  Wrap those puppies in heavy duty foil.

 6.  Build a campfire (and look strikingly similar to the devil...)  Place oranges directly into the fire for 10-15 minutes, rotating 1 or 2 times to evenly cook.

7.  Stick a fork in 'em, 'cause they're done!  Don't forget to blow on them first!


  1. That looks soo good! Do you add any of the orange that you scooped out in the batter?

  2. It was very yummy! We didn't add any orange back in, because the peel flavors the batter orange. But, I think that would be a great idea, and fun to try!

  3. nice post .. that looks so yummy .. thanks for the recipe ..
